next I have a mother of 8, african american sweet lady who sold me hook line and sinker, it has been a years since she has paid. she tells me all these things she is working on getting money, she has relatives that are going to loan to her, etc. But she never comes through. It is so frustrating to deal with this over and over again. I have to weigh the cost of leaving them and maybe they'll come through or spending all the money to evict, fix-up, lay vacant, rent and then the next person may have some life event that makes them not able to pay ...err
Next is a lady who had a roommate and between them they had 5 kids. they were noisy and disruptive and just a mess, then they got into some weird fight and the hot one, moved out, she paid me her half of the rent fo the time she was there. the other one is still there and promises and promises and still doesn't get me any money, she begs not to evict, but now it's like 4 months behind and she is now pregnant and no job with 3 kids. She is latina. so this is another of big costs, evict, fix-up and vacant $$$$$
the next one is the one I already wrote about, the heater people, as of today they are now 4 months behind. Fuck!!
Next is the ones who are a lesbian couple, they only have to pay a portion as they are on section-8. but they did not pay their portion this month, I called and left text and have not received a response, usually not a good sign!!
next I have a great tenants moving out, can't stand this, great tenants who leave. They are so good, and pay on time and keep the place up, and they are going to be out in the next few days. Drag, need to fix-up and re-rent, hopefully no one steals the fuckin copper pipes, that is a huge job that I have to do myself cause it costs a fortune to have a plumber do it, I have had to do it twice so far!!!
I have the rent control board after me. See they charge you money based on the amount of rent you receive, NOT on how much profit you make. so at the end of the year I don't have any money, I lose $10,000 on this property and then they want their fuckin money, THERE IS NO MONEY!!! so what they do is to triple it in penalties and make it go up and up and up, like that is going to make it easier to pay. idiots. The system is flawed. rent control ruins communities, it should be outlawed.
so I have a ton of work to do again to get caught up ans start making some money off these properties again, but I work 40+ at my job, I had to get a job because there are so many tenant problems and because of that I don't collect enought to make all my payments and costs. It is a horrible spiral. My advice, don't be a landlord, you would be buying yourself a thankless job.
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